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Tag - energized life

7 Simple Ways to Energize Your Lifestyle

Americans are obsessed with being busy. In fact, for most of us, busyness has become something of a status symbol – a sign that we are in demand and thus important. Unfortunately, this constant state of busyness eventually takes its toll on our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Our busy chaotic lifestyles may eventually lead to burnout and can even block access to the very sources of energy we need to energize our lives.


To Energize Your Life, Have a Big Vision

The way we live and work not only rob us of our health and put a strain on our time and energy resources, it blocks our access to our most essential sources of energy, leaving us feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally drained. In order to energize our lives and live vibrantly, energetically, and enthusiastically we need to have a big vision for our lives and to live and work in such a way that contributes to our big vision. (more…)