How to uncover what to do next with your life if what you're doing no longer drives you.

Twenty years ago I quit my job in corporate America. I wasn't unhappy I just wanted more for my life. I didn't know what to do next, so I took a hike in the mountains and asked myself one simple question, "What's next for my life?" Before I finished my hike, I knew exactly what my next move was.

Like you, I was a successful professional but my work no longer energized me. So it was time to move on to the next thing.

"What's next for my life?" led me to other important questions that set me on the life path of becoming a Passionpreneur (an entrepreneur who gets paid to pursue his/her passions). Maybe these same questions can help to shine a light on your next life path.

This ebook, 7 Questions (to ask yourself) to Fuel Your Life with Purpose, Passion & Play, will guide you through seven thought-provoking questions that will help you to create the next amazing chapter in your life.

So download this short 21-page guide and learn how to:

  • Clarify what you really want to be doing with your time everyday
  • Identify your special gifts and how you would like to share them with the world
  • Reassess your current work situation
  • Learn how to pursue your passion even if you have a day job
  • Create a life of significance and meaning that you can fall in love with

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