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Passion & Purpose

Why “find your life purpose” is pretty bad advice

I’ve read a lot of books and articles on how to “find your life purpose.” And while some offer a few great clarifying ideas, the majority, were nothing more than philosophical mumbo-jumbo.

For starters, asking the question, “how do you find your life purpose?” assumes that life purpose is something you can find.


To Energize Your Life, Have a Big Vision

The way we live and work not only rob us of our health and put a strain on our time and energy resources, it blocks our access to our most essential sources of energy, leaving us feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally drained. In order to energize our lives and live vibrantly, energetically, and enthusiastically we need to have a big vision for our lives and to live and work in such a way that contributes to our big vision. (more…)

Positive Energy

A New Beginning: Start with ‘Why’.

A new year brings the promise of new birth or new beginnings. It’s a chance to start over, a stepping-stone into the realm of new possibilities. What better time is there to reflect, recommit, and re-engage to your priorities? But as you reflect on your successes and failures of the past, it is always best to clarify your reasons for wanting to move in a particular direction, before proceeding forward. (more…)